The script "" is designed for variant annotation and effect prediction for variants found by C-Sibelia. It can be launched without arguments from directory with C-Sibelia results:
If you want to specify your own vcf file as input for this tool, type: -i variants.vcf
By default, all outup files are located in './annotation' directory, name of annotated vcf is variant_ann.vcf. You can specify other directory with the "-o" option, if specified directory is not exists it will be created. For example: -i variants.vcf -o annotation
Description of output file format can be found at
Take into account, that by default, script uses ##assembly field from vcf file to get NCBI database name. For example, a possible value of this field can be "##assembly=gi|57116681|ref|NC_000962.2|".
One more important note about vcf is that #CHROM column must contain cromosome name exactly the same as in snpEff database. For assembly name above it will be "NC_000962".
If you wish, you can specify snpEff database name with the "--db" argument.