Releases: aurelia/validation
aurelia-validation v0.2.8
chore(prepare-release) Prepared release 0.2.8
This release includes a ton of community commits (new languages, JSPM version updates, better memory usage, and more). There's more community pull requests waiting and open bugs, but people are really waiting for the JSPM version updates, hence the release with only a select number of community commits included.
I'm sorry I haven't had a lot of time to manage this project better lately, but very grateful for having such an active community!
0.2.8 (2015-08-20)
Bug Fixes
aurelia-validation v0.2.7
Update to latest releases
Bug Fixes
aurelia-validation v0.2.6
aurelia-validation v0.2.5
This release uses the latest major versions of the aurelia library dependencies.
0.2.5 (2015-06-10)
Bug Fixes
- ValidateCustomAttributeViewStrategyBase: ValidateCustomAttributeViewStrategyBase is not exported (cfca0142)
aurelia-validation v0.2.4
Release 0.2.4 is a small release which introduced support setting up validation using BreezeJS or @ensure decorator syntax
0.2.4 (2015-05-01)
Bug Fixes
aurelia-validation v0.2.3
aurelia-validation v0.2.2
aurelia-validation v0.2.1
This is the next major release of the 'aurelia-validation'.
Lots of features were added, lots of bugs were fixed, lot's of APIs were changed.
To migrate
- checkAll() no longer exists. Call .validate(). This returns a promise that wil fulfil when valid, reject when invalid
- validations were renamed
- notEmpty() => isNotEmpty()
- between(minimumValue, maximumValue) => isBetween()
- betweenLength(minimumLength, maximumLength) => hasLengthBetween() / hasLengthBetweenorEqualTo()
- email() => isEmail()
- equals(otherValue, otherValueLabel) => isEqualTo()
- in(collection) => isIn()
- isAlpha() => containsOnlyLetters() / containsOnlyAlpha()
- new: containsOnlyAlphaOrWhiteSpace()
- new: containsOnly()
- isAlphanumeric() => containsOnlyAlphanumerics()
- isAlphanumericOrWhitespace() => containsOnlyAlphanumericsOrWhitespace()
- isDigit() => containsOnlyDigits()
- isStrongPassword(minimumComplexityLevel)
- isNumeric() => isNumber()
- minLength(minimumLength) => hasMinLength()
- minimum(minimumValue) => isGreaterThan() / isGreaterThanOrEqualTo()
- matches(regex)
- maxLength(maximumLength) => hasMaxLength()
- maximum(maximumValue) => isLessThan() / isLessThanOrEqualTo()
- notEquals(otherValue, otherValueLabel) => isNotEqualTo()
- passes(customFunction, threshold)
- passesRule(validationRule)
- withMessage(message)
Bug Fixes
- API: API is inconsistent (cc7b407c, closes #20)
- I18N: fixed number formatting (8e946418)
- config:
- email: add a better email validation (9e45f82d)
- install: invalid install logic (d9d59fab)
- locale:
- nl-BE: small typo (2cce4e5b)
- onValidate: onValidate broke fluent api (b40954c7)
- onvalidate: ability to omit properties (d3a79d47)
- package:
- timing: Promises that finish late are not supported correctly (d32dd93f, closes #27)
- trim: values are no longer trimmed before validation (e567cb8e, closes #32)
- async: validation is now running promises (5e713096, closes #3)
- config: Allow runtime configuration (8c9fefaf, closes #8, #21, #34)
- debouncer: debouncer blocks continuously changing values (fb577d0c)
- isValidating: isValidating is true while validating (d5cd18c0)
- onValidate: callback for async validation on the entire subject (1f828849, closes #25)
- validateAttachedBehavior: show 'success' for properties with no validation rules (8c53d77f, closes #17)
- viewStrategy: Allows different view strategy to be plugged (938ac37f, closes #6)
aurelia-validation v0.1.2
#aurelia-validation v0.1.2
This release updates the dependencies, 'aurelia-binding' and 'aurelia-validation' to their latest versions. It also loads the plugin using the new 'globalizeResource()' API in the latest version of 'aurelia-framework' .
Bug Fixes
- email: add a better email validation (9e45f82
aurelia-validation v0.1.1
This is the initial release of the validation library.