This is still a work in progress.. Try it on your own risk.
- OS: EndeavourOS
- WM: Hyprland
- Alacritty as terminal.
- Kitty as terminal alternative.
- Neovim - I set it up with Youtube tutorials.
- VSCode - can be seen in the screenshots.
- Obsidian - can be seen in the screenshots.
- Waybar for top bar.
- Wofi for app-launcher.
- Nemo for file manager.
- Discord is used with BetterDiscord for theme and plug-in support.
- Stylus plug-in for Firefox for custom .css themes for web sites.
- Swayidle to dim the screen and turn off the screen.
- Swww to cycle between the wallpapers every 10 minutes.
- Grim and slurp for screenshot.
- Understand how to export Firefox settings.
- Write the neccessary dependencies - I am a Linux noob, don't know if I will write a correct one.
- Clean the dotfiles to make them more organized
- Learn to export the oh my bash settings as well
It includes some of the bash scripts that I wrote and use. But as you can tell from the scripts, I am a beginner, so I am still learning and they most probably are not efficient. But well.. I am learning and having fun. :)
Click on the Anchor that is on the Waybar to disable the swayidle for 30 minutes. You will see that the anchor icon will turn into a coffee cup when it is activated.
- SUPER + B = Removes the borders
- SUPER + CTRL + B = Sets the border size to 1px (default is 3px)
- SUPER + SHIFT + B = Sets the border size to 2px (default is 3px)
- SUPER + W = Toggles Waybar - Hide and Show.
- SUPER + SHIFT + W = Reloads my default Waybar config. Transparent background, non-floating.
- SUPER + CTRL + W = Floating Waybar, with solid background colour.
- SUPER + ALT + W = Floating Waybar, with border and semi-transparent background.
- SUPER + - = Smaller gaps
- SUPER + = = For biger gaps
- SUPER + SHIFT + = No gaps
- SUPER + R = Reset gaps
- SUPER + D = Wofi
- SUPER + RETURN = Alacritty
- SUPER + SHIFT + RETURN = Floating blue Alacritty
- SUPER + K = Kitty
- SUPER + F = Toggle full-screen for the focused app
- SUPER + N = Nemo
- SUPER + J = Toggle Split direction: Vertical/Horizontal
- SUPER + Arrow keys = Move focus
- SUPER + CTRL + Arrow Keys = Move active window
- SUPER + SHIFT + Arrow Keys = Resize active window
- SUPER + SHIFT + P = Screenshot the selected region (needs grim and slurp)
If you use these dot-files, I hope that you enjoy using it as much as I do! :)