- 請同學建立一個電玩角色 (Hero) 的類別
- 自訂資料成員 (至少五項) 及函式成員
- 在 Main 程式裡創建至少 3 個物件,並透過物件設定英雄名
- Hero 類別裡要包含一個 showInfo() 函式,以顯示英雄人物的所有資訊
- 請同學建立一個 Chess 的類別
- 自訂資料成員 (至少五項) 及函式成員
- 在 Main 程式裡創建至少 3 個物件,並透過物件設定象棋顏色或字
- Chess 類別裡要包含一個 showInfo() 函式,以顯示象棋的所有資訊
# 英雄類別
class Hero:
def attack(self, target):
damage = self.PptAtk - target.PptDef
damage = 0 if damage < 0 else damage
target.HpCur = 0 if target.HpCur <= damage else target.HpCur-damage
print("\"{}\" attacked \"{}\", dealt {} damages.".format(self.name, target.name, damage))
print("\"{}\" left {} HP.".format(target.name, target.HpCur))
print("---------Attack end.---------\n")
def showInfo(self):
print("Here's the properties of hero \"{}\"".format(self.name))
print("HP :\t{} / {}\nAttack :\t{}\nDefense :\t{}".format(self.HpCur, self.HpMax, self.PptAtk, self.PptDef))
print("---------Show Info end.----------\n")
def __init__(self, name, PHp, PAtk, PDef):
self.name = name
self.HpMax = PHp
self.HpCur = PHp
self.PptAtk = PAtk
self.PptDef = PDef
# creating heroes
Hero1 = Hero("Ming", 100, 3, 7)
Hero2 = Hero("Uzi", 85, 9, 4)
Hero3 = Hero("Xiaohu", 95, 8, 6)
# showInfo and run object method
class Chess:
# 顯示位置
def showPosition(self):
print("Showing position of Chess \"{}\", is at \"{}\"\n".format(self.name, self.position))
for i in range(10, -2, -1):
for j in range(-2, 11):
if i==10 or i==-1:
if j>0 and j<9:
print(" {} ".format(chr(96+j)), end="")
print(" ", end="")
elif i==9 or i==0:
if j==0:
print("+", end="")
elif j>0 and j<9:
print("---+", end="")
print(" ", end="")
elif i<9 and i>0:
if j==-2:
print("{} |".format(i), end="")
elif j==9:
print(" {}".format(i), end="")
elif int(self.position[1]) == i and ord(self.position[0])-96== j:
print(" @ |", end="")
elif j>0 and j<9:
print(" |", end="")
if i<9 and i>1:
print("\n +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ ")
print("\nThe Chess \"{}\" is right here. ↑\n".format(self.name))
def showInfo(self):
print("Shows the properties of Chess \"{}\"".format(self.name))
print("Name :\t{}\nClass :\t{}\nPosition :\t{}\n".format(self.name, self.chessClass, self.position))
# constructor
def __init__(self, name, chessClass, position):
self.name = name
self.chessClass = chessClass
self.position = position
P1 = Chess("P1", "Pawn", "a2")
King = Chess("K", "King", "e1")
Queen = Chess("Q", "Queen", "d1")
Student 的類別
- 自訂資料成員 (至少五項) 及函式成員
- 在 Main 程式裡創建至少 3 個物件,並透過物件設定學生姓名或學號
- Student 類別裡要包含一個 showInfo() 函式,以顯示學生的所有資訊
Book 的類別
- 自訂資料成員 (至少五項) 及函式成員
- 在 Main 程式裡創建至少 3 個物件,並透過物件設定書名
- Book 類別裡要包含一個 showInfo() 函式,以顯示書籍的所有資訊
class Student:
# 上學
def schooling(self, subject):
sanLost = 60 if subject.lower()=="math" else 20
if self.sanCur < sanLost:
print("\"{}\" don't have enough of sanity.\nYour sanity : {} / {}\n".format(self.name, self.sanCur, self.sanMax))
self.sanCur -= sanLost
if subject.lower()=="math":
self.scoreMath += 10
elif subject.lower=="english":
self.scoreEnglish += 10
print("\"{}\" learned some {} stuff, he/she has lost {} sanities.".format(self.name, subject, sanLost))
print("\"{}\" left {} sanities.\n".format(self.name, self.sanCur))
def showInfo(self):
print("Shows the properties of student \"{}\"".format(self.name))
print("Name :\t{}\nSanity :\t{} / {}\nScore :\n\tMath :\t\t{}\n\tEnglish :\t{}\n".format(self.name, self.sanCur, self.sanMax, self.scoreMath, self.scoreEnglish))
# constructor
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.sanMax = 100
self.sanCur = 100
self.scoreMath = 0
self.scoreEnglish = 0
# creating students
Student1 = Student("ZhanSan")
Student2 = Student("LiSi")
Student3 = Student("XiaoMing")
# showInfo and run object method
class Book:
# 借出
def borrow(self, renter):
self.status = "Out"
self.renter = renter
print("\"{}\" has rent the book \"{}\" out.\n".format(renter, self.name))
# 還書
def back(self):
self.status = "In"
self.renter = ""
print("Book \"{}\" is returned.\n".format(self.name))
def showInfo(self):
print("Shows the properties of book \"{}\"".format(self.name))
print("Book Name :\t{}\nAuthor :\t{}\nPublication Year :\t{}\nStatus :\t{}\nRenter :\t{}\n".format(self.name, self.author, self.year, self.status, self.renter))
# constructor
def __init__(self, name, author, year):
self.name = name
self.author = author
self.year = year
self.status = "In"
self.renter = ""
# Creating books
Book1 = Book("Le Petit Prince (R&H)", "Antoine de Saint-Exupéry", 1943)
Book2 = Book("Frankenstein", "Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley", 1818)
Book3 = Book("Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", "Mark Twain", 1884)
# showinfo and run class book method
Author: 109021331 CYouLiao