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Spatio-Temporal Representation Learning

Representation learning for general graph data and five types of spatio-temporal data:

Graph Embedding

Model Paper Publication Code Remarks
General Graph/Network OpenNE GraphEmbedding graph_nets
DeepWalk DeepWalk: Online Learning of Social Representations KDD 2014 Code LibCity-Road-Representation
Node2Vec node2vec: Scalable Feature Learning for Networks KDD 2016 Code LibCity-Road-Representation
LINE Line: Large-scale information network embedding WWW 2015 Code LibCity-Road-Representation
ChebConv Convolutional neural networks on graphs with fast localized spectral filtering NIPS 2016 Code LibCity-Road-Representation
GCN Semi-Supervised Classification with Graph Convolutional Networks ICLR 2017 Code
GAT Graph Attention Networks ICLR 2017 Code LibCity-Road-Representation
GraphSAGE Inductive Representation Learning on Large Graphs NIPS 2017 Code
metapath2vec metapath2vec: Scalable representation learning for heterogeneous networks KDD 2017 Code
Geom-GCN Geom-GCN: Geometric Graph Convolutional Networks. ICLR 2020 Code LibCity-Road-Representation


Model Paper Publication Code Remarks
ship-gram Efficient estimation of word representations in vector space ICLR 2013 Code
GE Learning Graph-based POI Embedding for Location-based Recommendation CIKM 2016
POI2Vec POI2Vec: Geographical Latent Representation for Predicting Future Visitors AAAI 2017
Geo-teaser Geo-teaser: Geo-temporal sequential embedding rank for point-of-interest recommendation WWW 2017
CAPE Content-Aware Hierarchical Point-of-Interest Embedding Model for Successive POI Recommendation IJCAI 2018
DKFM Location Embeddings for Next Trip Recommendation WWW 2019
HIER Learning Fine Grained Place Embeddings with Spatial Hierarchy from Human Mobility Trajectories. arxiv 2020
TALE Pre-training Time-Aware Location Embeddings from Spatial-Temporal Trajectories TKDE 2021
CTLE Pre-training Context and Time Aware Location Embeddings from Spatial-Temporal Trajectories for User Next Location Prediction AAAI 2021 Code
PPR Spatio-Temporal Representation Learning with Social Tie for Personalized POI Recommendation Data Science and Engineering 2022
CatEM Pre-Trained Semantic Embeddings for POI Categories Based on Multiple Contexts TKDE 2022
HE-LMF POI Recommendation System using Hypergraph Embedding and Logical Matrix Factorization Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Capsule Networks 2022

Road Network

Model Paper Publication Code Remarks
IRN2Vec Learning Embeddings of Intersections on Road Networks SIGSPATIAL 2019 Code Intersections
RFN Graph Convolutional Networks for Road Networks SIGSPATIAL 2019 Intersections
SRN2Vec On Representation Learning for Road Networks TIST 2020 Intersections/Road Segment
HRNR Learning Effective Road Network Representation with Hierarchical Graph Neural Networks KDD 2020 Code Road Segment,supervised
Toast Robust Road Network Representation Learning: When Traffic Patterns Meet Traveling Semantics CIKM 2021 Road Segment,self-supervised
A Multiview Representation Learning Framework for Large-Scale Urban Road Networks MDPI 2022 Road Segment
JCLRNT Jointly Contrastive Representation Learning on Road Network and Trajectory CIKM 2022 Code Road Segment,self-supervised
SARN Spatial Structure-Aware Road Network Embedding via Graph Contrastive Learning EBDT 2023(CCF-B) Road Segment,self-supervised


Model Paper Publication Code Remarks
HDGE Region representation learning via mobility flow CIKM 2017 word2vec
ZE-Mob Representing urban functions through zone embedding with human mobility patterns IJCAI 2018 word2vec
Learning urban community structures: A collective embedding perspective with periodic spatial-temporal mobility graphs TIST 2018 Auto-Encoder
CGAL Unifying inter-region autocorrelation and intra-region structures for spatial embedding via collective adversarial learning KDD 2019 Auto-Encoder
MP-VN Efficient region embedding with multi-view spatial networks: A perspective of locality-constrained spatial autocorrelations AAAI 2019 Auto-Encoder
GEML GEML: Learning Geo-Contextual Embeddings for Commuting Flow Prediction AAAI 2020 Code
MVURE Multi-View Joint Graph Representation Learning for Urban Region Embedding IJCAI 2020 Code multi-graph
HUGAT Effective Urban Region Representation Learning Using Heterogeneous Urban Graph Attention Network arxiv 2022 heterogeneous graph
Region2Vec Region2Vec: Urban Region Profiling via A Multi-Graph Representation Learning Framework CIKM 2022 multi-graph
MGFN Multi-Graph Fusion Networks for Urban Region Embedding IJCAI 2022 Code multi-graph
RELM Learning Time and Type Aware Representations for Urban Zones SSRN 2022 time-aware
HGI Learning urban region representations with POIs and hierarchical graph infomax ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 2023 Code POI-Region
Unsupervised Representation Learning of Spatial Data via Multimodal Embedding CIKM 2019 Multimodal
Urban2Vec Urban2Vec: Incorporating Street View Imagery and POIs for Multi-Modal Urban Neighborhood Embedding AAAI 2020 Multimodal
Learning Neighborhood Representation from Multi-Modal Multi-Graph: Image, Text, Mobility Graph and Beyond arxiv 2021 Multimodal


Model Paper Publication Code Remarks
trajectory2vec trajectory2vec: Trajectory clustering via deep representation learning IJCNN 2017 Code encoder-decoder
t2vec Deep Representation Learning for Trajectory Similarity Computation ICDE 2018 Code encoder-decoder
Trembr Trembr: Exploring Road Networks for Trajectory Representation Learning TIST 2020 self-supervised
Path-InfoMax Unsupervised Path Representation Learning with Curriculum Negative Sampling IJCAI 2021 Code self-supervised
Toast Robust Road Network Representation Learning: When Traffic Patterns Meet Traveling Semantics CIKM 2021 self-supervised
JCLRNT Jointly Contrastive Representation Learning on Road Network and Trajectory CIKM 2022 Code self-supervised
CSTRM CSTRM: Contrastive Self-Supervised Trajectory Representation Model for trajectory similarity computation Computer Communications 2022 self-supervised
WSCCL Weakly-supervised Temporal Path Representation Learning with Contrastive Curriculum Learning ICDE 2022 Code weakly-supervised
START Self-supervised Trajectory Representation Learning with Temporal Regularities and Travel Semantics ICDE 2023 Code self-supervised
CSTTE Contrastive Pre-training of Spatial-Temporal Trajectory Embeddings arxiv 2022 self-supervised

Check-in Sequence

Model Paper Publication Code Remarks
TRED Semi-supervised Trajectory Understanding with POI Attention for End-to-End Trip Recommendation TSAS 2020 semi-supervised
GTS A graph-based approach for trajectory similarity computation in spatial networks KDD 2021
SelfTrip Self-supervised Representation Learning for Trip Recommendation KBS 2022 self-supervised
CTLTR Contrastive Trajectory Learning for Tour Recommendation TIST 2022 self-supervised
Contrastive Pre-training with Adversarial Perturbations for Check-in Sequence Representation Learning AAAI 2023 self-supervised