URL: http://HOST:PORT/rest/[ID|"cmd"]/...
- host/port are a http-server endpoint configured in constatus.cfg This end-point must have "is-rest" set to true (enabled). If you require a regular web-interface, configure a second (or third) for that.
After "rest/", the either an ID or the string "cmd" follows. "cmd" means that an action is to be invoked which is not for a specific module. e.g.: * http://HOST:PORT/rest/cmd/list-files
Each module, as you may have seen in constatus.cfg, has an 'id="..."' identifier. This identifier is used to indicate which module the action is to be invoked on.
To known which ID is used for each module, invoke the following url: * http://HOST:PORT/rest/cmd/list This can result in e.g.:
- {
"msg": "OK", "result": true, "data": [{
"id": "1-1", "id-str": "stream only, motion compatible", "id-descr": "[]:8081", "type": "http-server", "running": "true", "enabled": "true"
- }, {
- "id": "1-2", "id-str": "admin interface", "id-descr": "[]:8082", "type": "http-server", "running": "true", "enabled": "true"
- }, {
- "id": "1-3", "id-str": "motion trigger(s)", "id-descr": "", "type": "motion-trigger", "running": "true", "enabled": "true"
- }, {
- "id": "2-1", "id-str": "write everything to disk", "id-descr": "/data2/voordeur / hour-", "type": "stream-writer", "running": "true", "enabled": "true"
- }, {
- "id": "2-2", "id-str": "", "id-descr": "http://localhost:8089/", "type": "source", "running": "true", "enabled": "true"
As you see in this example there are 2 HTTP servers (1-1, 1-2), a motion-trigger(1-3), etc. Note that each ID in the configuration-file must be unique if you wish to use the REST interface!
- Each end-point returns the following json:
- {
- "msg": "OK", "result": true
- or if there's any data:
- {
- "msg": "OK", "result": true, "data": ...
The following end-points are availble:
not requiring an ID
- list Get a list of (running) modules.
these require a module-ID
list-files Get a list of recorded files for the selected target.
take-a-snapshot Take a picture immediately via the selected soruce.
start-a-recording Start recording a move immediately via the selected soruce.
pause Pause a module with whatever it is doing.
unpause Unpause a module with whatever it is doing.
stop Stop a module with whatever it is doing.
list-motion-trigger Retrieve a list of parameters that can be set on a motion-trigger module. e.g.:
- {
"msg": "OK", "result": true, "data": [
- {
"key": "noise_level", "type": "int", "value": "32"
}, {
"key": "percentage_pixels_changed", "type": "double", "value": "0.600000"
}, {
"key": "keep_recording_n_frames", "type": "int", "value": "15"
}, {
"key": "ignore_n_frames_after_recording", "type": "int", "value": "5"
}, {
"key": "pre_record_count", "type": "int", "value": "1"
}, {
"key": "max_fps", "type": "double", "value": "-1.000000"
configure-motion-trigger Set a parameter on a motion trigger module. URL:
get-brightness Get brightness of the camera, the range and if it is available.
set-brightness Set brightness of the camera (if available, see get-brightness).
get-contrast Get contrast of the camera, the range and if it is available.
set-contrast Set contrast of the camera (if available, see get-contrast).