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CNS Operator Guide
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CNS is one of the less opinionated services in the SDC / Triton suite, due to the nature of DNS deployments, which vary considerably from one situation to another. This means that unlike many of the other SDC services, there is no "one true way" to deploy CNS, and it has a fairly flexible configuration.

Basically, it's designed to integrate into whatever DNS setup you already have. This can make it a little confusing at first, as there are many paths to take to deploy and integrate CNS.

This document will describe the basics of setting up CNS in a few common situations, and provide some general advice about ways to customize it for your needs. It sadly can't cover all the possible tweaks you can use for your individual setup, but a sizeable fraction of the space will be covered.

CNS components

The basic core component of CNS is a service zone that is deployed on your SDC headnode. It contains two services, the cns-updater, and the cns-server. The cns-updater is responsible for gathering data from all of the other APIs and parts of SDC and turning it into DNS records, and then the cns-server is responsible for serving these DNS records to clients (and other nameservers).

The cns-server also provides a small REST API that can be used to inspect the state of the overall system. There's a commandline tool cnsadm that comes pre-installed inside the CNS zone which can be used to interrogate it. The cnsadm command has a manpage that is useful to read if you want to know more about this (you can also view it online).

Configuration for the CNS system as a whole is stored in the SAPI metadata for the CNS SAPI service. This can be edited by hand using the sapiadm and sdc-sapi commands, but cnsadm provides a much friendlier interface that also handles validation for you, ensuring that you can't commit an invalid config that will put CNS services into "maintenance" (the SMF state where they are no longer eligible for restart until "cleared").

Outside the core zone, there are components of your DNS infrastructure that can also participate in the CNS system. Any nameserver that can perform standard DNS zone transfers (AXFR/IXFR) can be a secondary nameserver for CNS and replicate all of its records, and this is the path to achieving availability and scalability with CNS.

How clients look up names in CNS

One very important thing to consider and fully understand before your CNS deployment is how your client machines will look up names from CNS.

Your "client machines" may mean just the machines on your company intranet (for internal use only), or might mean any machine on the Internet (for public use).

When a client machine goes to look up a name in DNS, it will have a local configuration file (typically /etc/resolv.conf), which specifies a number of recursive nameservers to be used to perform lookups. Often these are servers provided by an ISP or some local cache.

If you want to use CNS in a restricted corporate intranet setting where the records are only resolvable from inside your network, you will need to have the recursive nameservers used by all client machines under your control. They need to be talking to a nameserver that you can configure so that it knows where to find CNS directly (there are a few ways to do this).

If clients are using public recursive nameservers, or ones belonging to an ISP, then they will obey only the DNS resolution rules for the public Internet, meaning that you will have to make your CNS records available to the entire Internet, and set up delegation and glue records correctly so that these recursive nameservers know how to find your CNS.

CNS is designed to primarily function as an authoritative nameserver, rather than a recursive one. This means that clients do not directly query it for all of their DNS lookups, but instead are referred to it by their normal recursive nameserver (or the recursive nameserver makes the query on their behalf).

However, it can be used in small deployments as a recursive nameserver that answers only for names under the configured CNS zone. It has been implemented to return a SERVFAIL error for names outside its designated suffix, so that client implementations will assume there was an error and move on to the next nameserver they know about.

This mode of operation carries a number of pathological failure modes in the face of network interruptions and downtime of the CNS zone, which is why it is not the preferred deployment configuration. It is very useful for development and testing, however.

Example deployment designs

Small development/testing setup

  • CNS zone on headnode, with a NIC on external (
  • Client machines all have listed explicitly in their /etc/resolv.conf files, and can reach this address
  • Names are not resolvable from the public Internet

Internal-only corporate setup

Existing infrastructure before CNS:

  • Pair of existing company recursive nameservers running ISC BIND, on and
  • All client machines configured to use these as their recursive nameservers

CNS deployment:

  • CNS zone on headnode, with a NIC on external (
  • CNS has the existing recursive nameservers whitelisted as replication peers
  • Existing recursive nameservers configured to be authoritative for the CNS suffix and set to use as the "master" for the zone
  • Client machines do not communicate with CNS directly at all -- the recursive nameservers are replicating the records from CNS and then answering queries entirely on their own

Publically resolvable setup

Existing infrastructure before CNS:

  • A single "master" nameserver, running ISC BIND, on (public IP)
  • Two geographically diverse "slave" nameservers, also BIND
  • zone is served by all 3 NS and has appropriate glue and delegation from root nameservers

CNS deployment:

  • CNS zone on headnode, with a NIC on public (
  • CNS is configured in hidden master mode
  • CNS has the existing "master" and "slave" nameservers whitelisted as replication peers
  • Existing "master" and "slave" nameservers are all configured to use as a master for
  • NS glue records are added in the zone listing only the "master" and two "slave" nameservers that pre-date CNS

In this setup, all CNS generated names are resolvable from the public Internet.

Hybrid setup

We can also make a hybrid of the "publically resolvable" and "internal-only corporate" designs from above, as CNS supports multiple DNS zones at once where each zone contains only containers/VMs that have NICs on some particular subset of your SDC networks. This can be useful in order to make some "public" subset of your containers visible to the outside world whilst keeping internal interfaces and addresses private.

In this case, we actually set up both designs at once from the two previous sections, but only configure the "public" zone in hidden master mode. The combination of the two works because each set of nameservers (the public Internet-facing set, and the internal recursive set) only replicate their particular zone from the CNS server.

DNS zones

Another key factor you should consider before beginning your CNS deployment is the set of DNS zones you wish to use. A DNS zone is a sub-tree of the DNS hierarchy -- e.g. you could own the domain, and use the zone for CNS -- so your actual CNS hostnames would appear as

Since containers and instances in Triton may have NICs on multiple networks ( and therefore multiple IP addresses), it is often useful to distinguish between them. If you deployed CNS with a single DNS zone in use, in the default configuration, you would find that looking up a CNS name returns to you all of the IP addresses of a container mixed together as one list, regardless of whether some are "private" or "public" in your deployment. This may be undesirable if you expect users to connect only to some of these addresses (because, for example, some may not be accessible from the outside).

CNS supports the use of multiple DNS zones to make this distinction clear. The most typical use is to have one DNS zone for "public" IP addresses, and one for "private" IP addresses. It is worth noting that these do not have to be actual private IP addresses in terms of RFC1918 (e.g. in the subnets, etc) -- this is about the semantic use of the network in your deployment.

DNS zones handled by CNS can either be configured to list IP addresses only from a defined set of networks (or network pools), or can be configured as "catch-all" or "wildcard" zones, which list all remaining addresses. The most typical configurations are to list "only public IP addresses", and to list "public" and "private" addresses in two separate zones (often the "private" zone is made a catch-all zone so it can list Fabric networks).

Example: only public IP addresses in CNS

Triton setup:

  • One network, "external", with Internet public IP addresses in
  • Another network "internal", with addresses in
  • Fabric networking enabled, user has a private fabric

CNS zone configuration:

  • DNS zone:, configured with networks = [ "external" ] (explicit list)


  • A container named test is deployed by user jim, with NICs on "external", "internal", and jim's private fabric


  • resolves only to the "external" address of the test container. The "internal" and fabric addresses are not in DNS.

Example: split public/private zones

Triton setup:

  • One network, "external", with Internet public IP addresses in
  • Another network "internal", with addresses in
  • Fabric networking enabled, user has a private fabric

CNS zone configuration:

  • DNS zone:, configured with networks = [ "external" ]
  • DNS zone:, configured with networks = [ "*" ] (a catch-all or wildcard zone)


  • A container named test is deployed by user jill, with NICs on "external", "internal", and jill's private fabric


  • resolves only to the "external" address of the test container.
  • resolves to both the "internal" address and the private fabric address of the test container (there will be two A records served for this name)


Setting up CNS for the first time

To create the CNS service and zone on your headnode:

[root@headnode ~]# sdcadm experimental cns
[root@headnode ~]# sdcadm experimental update-other
[root@headnode ~]# sdcadm update -C dev -y cns

The first step sets up the CNS zone itself and the SAPI service for it. The second activates some SAPI metadata that is necessary for the CloudAPI integration to work.

The third step is only recommended right now as CNS is still in fairly heavy development. Running a CNS image from the "dev" channel with the rest of the SDC services on "release" is recommended for the moment, to avoid using a CNS image that is missing important bug fixes. When the code is more stable, this step will be removed.

Note: the second step (sdcadm experimental update-other) will trigger a restart of the CloudAPI service in your datacenter (and thus a very brief outage). Make sure you've advised your users in advance.

Entering the CNS zone and viewing configuration

To enter the CNS zone and view the current configuration of the system:

[root@headnode ~]# sdc-login cns
[root@uuid (dc:cns0) ~]# cnsadm config
hostmaster:      [email protected]
use_login:       false
use_alias:       true
[root@uuid (dc:cns0) ~]# cnsadm zones
ZONE                     NETWORKS   PEERS                      HIDDEN PRIMARY         *                                     false
(ip-reverse-lookup)                                            false

These two commands (cnsadm config and cnsadm zones) give a basic overview of how CNS is currently configured. The above example output shows the default configuration that will appear after creating a new CNS zone in a datacenter called dc with a DNS suffix of

Currently this CNS will generate records under the DNS zone for all enabled VMs in the datacenter on all networks (indicated by the *). It is not set up to allow any replication peers, and is not configured as a Hidden Primary. Note that "enabled VMs" refers to those belonging to SDC accounts with the triton_cns_enabled flag set (see the user documentation for CNS).

An example instance record in this zone could look like (the zone name is the suffix appended after the user UUID).

The information presented in cnsadm config is used across all DNS zones served by CNS. The first two fields, my_name and hostmaster determine the information that appears in SOA (start-of-authority) records. These records identify metadata about a DNS zone and its management.

The fields use_login and use_alias determine whether VM/container aliases (short names) and user logins will be used in DNS names. By default, container aliases are used, and user logins are not (this is the configuration deployed in the Joyent Public Cloud). CNS will always generate records corresponding to the UUIDs of containers and users -- these flags only determine whether to additionally generate records with shorter friendly names.

For example, if use_login was enabled, the example instance record mentioned above could also be found under the name, given that the owner's login username is fred.

The allow_transfer field contains a list of IP addresses or CIDR-format subnet masks that should be allowed to become replication peers. Note that this has some overlap with the "peers" property on a particular zone.

You can also view detailed configuration about one zone using cnsadm:

[root@uuid (dc:cns0) ~]# cnsadm zones
networks:        *
peers:           []
hidden_primary:  false

This is particularly useful if the information was truncated in the table summary display, as will often happen when network UUIDs are explicitly listed under networks, or more than one replication peer is used.

Configuring DNS zones

From the CNS zone on the headnode, you can use the cnsadm zones command to manage DNS zones in the CNS configuration. This is the output of cnsadm zones with no arguments, for a typical default configuration:

[root@uuid (dc:cns0) ~]# cnsadm zones
ZONE                     NETWORKS   PEERS                      HIDDEN PRIMARY         *                                     false
(ip-reverse-lookup)                                            false

Here we have a single DNS zone,, configured as a catch-all or wildcard zone (indicated by * under NETWORKS).

To change this to a "public IP addresses only" configuration, we would simply modify the network list on the zone:

[root@uuid (dc:cns0) ~]# cnsadm zones networks=8c26b4f8-b67e-11e6-8ee4-ffb3a2f73c8d

(where 8c26b4f8-b67e-11e6-8ee4-ffb3a2f73c8d is the UUID of the "external" network on this deployment -- you can obtain this UUID from the Networking tab in AdminUI, or by using the sdc-napi command)

This would change the output of cnsadm zones to now look like:

[root@uuid (dc:cns0) ~]# cnsadm zones
ZONE                     NETWORKS   PEERS                      HIDDEN PRIMARY         (1 UUIDs)                             false
(ip-reverse-lookup)                                            false

Now, if we wanted to change to a public-private split configuration, we would add a second zone as a new wildcard:

[root@uuid (dc:cns0) ~]# cnsadm zones -a networks=*

And the new output of cnsadm zones:

[root@uuid (dc:cns0) ~]# cnsadm zones
ZONE                     NETWORKS   PEERS                      HIDDEN PRIMARY         (1 UUIDs)                             false     *                                     false
(ip-reverse-lookup)                                            false

The man reference page about the cnsadm command includes further examples of modifying, adding and removing DNS zones. Type man cnsadm while logged into the CNS zone for further details.

Checking CNS status

Enter the CNS zone from the headnode, and check that no services are down or in maintenance:

[root@headnode ~]# sdc-login cns
[root@uuid (dc:cns0) ~]# svcs -x

If svcs -x produces no output, then all services are running.

If it does produce output, take a look in the service logs for any malfunctioning services. In particular, the two SMF services cns-updater and cns-server are relevant. You can use a command like tail -n 500 $(svcs -L cns-updater) | bunyan to view nicely formatted logs from the cns-updater service.

The logs should give hints as to the source of your trouble, but it is likely if you reach this point that you have encountered a bug. Please include these logs and also information about the CNS configuration in your bug report, which you should file on the GitHub triton-cns repository.

If services are running normally, use the cnsadm status command to check last changed times, serial numbers and the status of replication peers:

[root@uuid (staging-1:cns0) ~]# cnsadm status
ZONE                     LATEST SERIAL  CHANGED  373423966      3 days ago    373178900      4 wks ago

PEER         ZONE                     LATEST SERIAL  DRIFT  VERSION    373178900             ISC BIND 9.10.3-P3

This output is from a real working configuration to show what the replication peer status output looks like.

Here we can see that this CNS is configured with the zone, and has generated records for it, as there is a valid serial number given. Reverse-lookup records have also been generated for IP addresses under 172.26.3.x.

This CNS currently has 1 known replication peer,, which has replicated both zones from it. We can see that the latest serial the peer has copied from us is the same as the latest serial generated. If this were not the case, there would be a note in the "DRIFT" column highlighting that this peer was behind.

We can also see, if available, the version of software running on the peer, to help with debugging.

The commandline tool dig can also be very valuable in debugging DNS-related problems. The tool is pre-installed in the CNS zone, as well as the SDC headnode. You can use it to look up a particular name for testing:

[root@uuid (dc:cns0) ~]# dig @localhost
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 39569
;; flags: qr aa rd ad; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1200
;        IN A


Here we can see that CNS returned the address for this name. dig also displays very detailed information about the contents of the DNS packets exchanged with the server, which can help to point out problems.

Adding an ISC BIND server as a replication peer

Starting from the default configuration for shown above, we will proceed to set up an ISC BIND nameserver as a replication peer or "slave" (in BIND terminology) to serve CNS records.

First, as our BIND server is going to be placed on the external network, we will need to give the CNS zone an IP on that network as well to communicate with the BIND server.

[root@headnode ~]# /usbkey/scripts/ $(vmadm lookup alias=cns0)
[root@headnode ~]# vmadm get $(vmadm lookup alias=cns0) | json nics | json -a nic_tag ip

Our existing BIND nameserver is running on, and is known by the DNS name

Add the nameserver as a replication peer in CNS:

[root@headnode ~]# sdc-login cns
[root@uuid (dc:cns0) ~]# cnsadm config allow_transfer+=
[root@uuid (dc:cns0) ~]# cnsadm zones

And now add the following snippet into the BIND configuration file:

masters cns {;

zone "" {
    type slave;
    file "slave/";
    masters { cns; };

Reload the configuration:

[user@nameserver ~]$ rndc reload

And finally, check the output of cnsadm status to verify that the peer is now known and in sync:

[root@uuid (dc:cns0) ~]# cnsadm status
ZONE                     LATEST SERIAL  CHANGED         373423966      1 minute ago      373423966      1 minute ago

PEER         ZONE                     LATEST SERIAL  DRIFT  VERSION      373423966             ISC BIND 9.10.2-P1

Extra debugging information about record generation

One of the most common problems encountered in new setups is that CNS is not generating all the records expected by a user. To debug CNS's decision-making process to see why it did not list a VM's records in the way you expected, the logs of the cns-updater service are useful.

The cns-updater logs include a DEBUG level message for every time CNS examines a VM and decides what records should be created, which includes reasoning tags as to what criteria influenced the decision.

For example, to look at CNS's reasoning about the VM with UUID 99a430dd-88a3-4cc4-9046-c76810491445, use the following command inside the CNS zone:

# cat $(svcs -L cns-updater) | grep 99a430dd-88a3-4cc4-9046-c76810491445 | bunyan

The log messages with reasoning information will look like this:

[2016-07-06T17:38:28.294Z] DEBUG: cns/24595 on 859bd73b-9766-444b-ac8d-ea2f8209fea8: updating vm (stage=UpdateStream)
    info: {
      "vm": "99a430dd-88a3-4cc4-9046-c76810491445",
      "why": [
      "l_s": false,
      "l_i": true,
      "svcs": [
          "name": "gerrit",
          "ports": []
      "c": {
        "": 4,
        "": 1
      "o": "reaper"

The exact fields here are subject to change since they are not a guaranteed API, but below are their definitions at the time of writing:

  • "vm" contains the VM's UUID
  • "l_s" means "list services" -- if it's true, CNS decided to generate service records for this VM (.svc.)
  • "l_i" means "list instance" -- if it's true, CNS decided to generate instance records
  • "svcs" contains an array of all the recognized services in this VM's tag
  • "c" contains counts of final generated records within each DNS zone
  • "o" shows the origin of this visit to the VM (the reason why CNS was looking at it to begin with)
  • "why" contains a list of all the decision flags that affected this VM

Some examples of decision flags that may be seen in the "why" field:

  • "user_en_flag" -- VM not listed at all because user does not have triton_cns_enabled flag set
  • "user_not_approved" -- VM not listed at all because user is not approved for provisioning
  • "inst_en_tag" -- VM not listed at all because it has the triton.cns.disable tag set
  • "inst_en_flag" -- VM was removed from services because it has the triton.cns.status metadata key set to down
  • "cn_down" -- VM was removed from services because the CN it runs on seems to be down
  • "vm_down" -- VM was removed from services because it is stopped
  • "invalid_tag" -- the VM's tag could not be parsed so no services listings are possible

This is not an exhaustive list, but covers the most commonly encountered cases (due to e.g. forgetting to set the user enabled flag or issues with tags).

Extra debugging information about replication

When investigating peer sync delays or other problems with replication, the cnsadm peers command can be of use:

[root@uuid (dc:cns0) ~]# cnsadm peers
version:       ISC BIND 9.10.2-P1
using_notify:  true
using_ixfr:    true
serials: 373423966 373423966

    soa: 29
    ixfr: 12
    axfr: 4
    goodxfer: 8

This can show you whether a given peer is accepting NOTIFY commands, whether it is using IXFR (incremental transfers), and counters for errors and types of queries the peer has made.

The logs of the cns-server service can also be informative, as well as the logs of the peer nameserver itself.

As always, the dig command is very useful, particularly with its ability to request zone transfers (using dig axfr @localhost), which will show you the entire contents of a given server's version of a zone.

Rebuilding the CNS redis database

Some past bugs in CNS have caused the Redis database to balloon out to a very large size (hundreds of MB). The Redis database dump (RDB file) should generally be on the order of 10MB in size: if the one in your CNS installation is much larger (e.g. >100MB), you may have been bitten by one of these bugs.

If you have never run a CNS image older than May 2016 on your Triton standup, and you experience this issue, please report it as a bug! This procedure may still help you, but the bug needs to be fixed too.

You can check the size of the Redis RDB dump like so:

[root@uuid (dc:cns0) ~]# du -hs /data/redis/dump.rdb
3.9M    /data/redis/dump.rdb

Thankfully, since CNS is not an authoritative source of any of the data it serves, it is always possible to simply throw out the Redis database and re-create from scratch (as if this is the very first time you were running CNS).

To do this, first stop all the CNS services:

[root@uuid (dc:cns0) ~]# svcadm disable cns-server
[root@uuid (dc:cns0) ~]# svcadm disable cns-updater
[root@uuid (dc:cns0) ~]# svcadm disable cns-redis

Wait until the Redis server has entirely shut down:

[root@uuid (dc:cns0) ~]# svcs -p cns-redis
STATE          STIME    FMRI
online*        22:17:39 svc:/triton/application/cns-redis:default
               22:17:39    89123 redis-server
[root@uuid (dc:cns0) ~]# svcs -p cns-redis
STATE          STIME    FMRI
offline        22:17:39 svc:/triton/application/cns-redis:default

Now simply delete the dump.rdb file and start cns-redis and cns-updater back up again:

[root@uuid (dc:cns0) ~]# rm -f /data/redis/dump.rdb
[root@uuid (dc:cns0) ~]# svcadm enable cns-redis
[root@uuid (dc:cns0) ~]# svcadm enable cns-updater

While it is safe to start the cns-server back up at this point, too, it's not going to serve anything useful until the cns-updater has done its first update. We can watch the logs of the cns-updater to see when this happens:

[root@uuid (dc:cns0) ~]# tail -f $(svcs -L cns-updater) | bunyan -o short
22:48:36.527Z  INFO cns: Poll done, committing...
22:48:36.560Z DEBUG cns: app state changed to cfRunning
22:48:36.603Z DEBUG cns: pushed 2938 candidates for reaping (stage=ReaperStream)
22:48:38.677Z DEBUG cns: reaping complete (stage=ReaperStream)

Now we enable the cns-server and things should return to normal:

[root@uuid (dc:cns0) ~]# svcadm enable cns-server