We encourage contributing to this project. This document clarifies the process and answers any questions you may have. If not, feel free to open an issue.
We use GitHub issues to bugs with existing examples and requests for new ones. Please ensure your description is clear and has sufficient instructions. When submitting bugs, include all necessary information to reproduce the issue.
You are welcome to submit new examples, improve existing ones or fix open bugs by submitting a pull request. To open a pull request, fork this repository and commit the changes in your forked repository. Then open the pull request from the forked repository to our repository.
This repository uses Prettier for automated code
formatting. Make sure to format the repository before opening a pull request.
You can do so by running yarn format
in the root folder of the repository.
We want to deploy all examples in this repository to make sure that they actually work. When submitting a pull request, please include all necessary steps to deploy the example. Before approving and merging any pull request, the added or changed examles need to be (re-)deployed by a maintainer of this repository.