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AVDump failed to install #1193

t0815 opened this issue Oct 26, 2024 · 5 comments

AVDump failed to install #1193

t0815 opened this issue Oct 26, 2024 · 5 comments


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t0815 commented Oct 26, 2024


Server Version: 5.0.0

Desktop Version: n/a

Web-UI: 2.1.2-dev.13


Running AVDump session with id 1: "Z:\_new_Season_Autum_2024\Dandadan\[DKB] Dandadan - S01E04 [1080p][HEVC x265 10bit][Multi-Subs].mkv"
2024-10-26 00:50:41
An error occurred while running AVDump session 1: Files: Z:\_new_Season_Autum_2024\Dandadan\[DKB] Dandadan - S01E04 [1080p][HEVC x265 10bit][Multi-Subs].mkv Stack Trace: at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess(ProcessStartInfo startInfo) at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start() at Shoko.Server.Utilities.AVDumpHelper.<>c__DisplayClass24_0.<DumpFiles>b__2() in D:\a\ShokoServer\ShokoServer\Shoko.Server\Utilities\AVDumpHelper.cs:line 212
2024-10-26 00:51:37
Scheduling DEFAULT.AVDumpFilesJob to run.
2024-10-26 00:51:38
Unable to install AVDump3; "Cannot determine compressed stream type. Supported Reader Formats: Zip, GZip, BZip2, Tar, Rar, LZip, XZ": System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot determine compressed stream type. Supported Reader Formats: Zip, GZip, BZip2, Tar, Rar, LZip, XZ at SharpCompress.Readers.ReaderFactory.Open(Stream stream, ReaderOptions options) at Shoko.Server.Utilities.AVDumpHelper.PrepareAVDump(Boolean force) in D:\a\ShokoServer\ShokoServer\Shoko.Server\Utilities\AVDumpHelper.cs:line 409


Very strange issue. AvDump all of a sudden failed to dump file. After retrying. the server deletes the files in "C:/Programdata/ShokoServer/AVDump" and tries to redownload avdump. That, also seems to fail, because the resulting "" is only several KB in size and its contents are:

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1.) make avdump fail dumping a file
or delete avdump manually
2.) try to dump a file again
3.) Error will occur, "Error installing AVDump"

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t0815 commented Oct 26, 2024

I just noticed, the resulting .zips content is a 404 from shoko itself.... where does shoko want to download avdump from?
Some additional info:

  • if i manually download avdump from anidb wiki, and place the zip into the "Programdata/shokoserver" folder, it gets extracted to "/avdump" folder.

  • I tried dumping file again and got an error

2024-10-26 07:18:23
Running AVDump session with id 14: "Z:\_new_Season_Autum_2024\Dandadan\[DKB] Dandadan - S01E04 [1080p][HEVC x265 10bit][Multi-Subs].mkv"
2024-10-26 07:18:27
Trakt token is still valid. Expiry date: 12/22/2024 16:18:48
2024-10-26 07:19:44
Failed to complete AVDump session 14: Files: Z:\_new_Season_Autum_2024\Dandadan\[DKB] Dandadan - S01E04 [1080p][HEVC x265 10bit][Multi-Subs].mkv Standard Output: Testing anidb connection Format Error: Could not parse Id: Check for program updates. DumpError: PacketFormat / Could not parse Id Pending AniDB reply timed out Format Error: Could not parse Id: Check for program updates. DumpError: PacketFormat / Could not parse Id Pending AniDB reply timed out Format Error: Could not parse Id: Check for program updates. DumpError: PacketFormat / Could not parse Id Pending AniDB reply timed out Format Error: Could not parse Id: Check for program updates. DumpError: PacketFormat / Could not parse Id Pending AniDB reply timed out Startup Cancel: Couldn't establish session with anidb (Timeout) 

which means anidb has an issue it seems.

  • if i retry to dump the file now, the avdump bins get deleted, and shoko trys to redownload avdump, resulting in the 404 page zip.

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revam commented Oct 26, 2024

reinstall shoko server 5.0 (there were 5 release attempts for it), then delete the avdump folder and zip and let it reinstall it

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t0815 commented Oct 26, 2024

still same error:

Unable to install AVDump3; "Cannot determine compressed stream type. Supported Reader Formats: Zip, GZip, BZip2, Tar, Rar, LZip, XZ": System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot determine compressed stream type. Supported Reader Formats: Zip, GZip, BZip2, Tar, Rar, LZip, XZ at SharpCompress.Readers.ReaderFactory.Open(Stream stream, ReaderOptions options) at Shoko.Server.Utilities.AVDumpHelper.PrepareAVDump(Boolean force) in D:\a\ShokoServer\ShokoServer\Shoko.Server\Utilities\AVDumpHelper.cs:line 409

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revam commented Oct 26, 2024

that error looks to me like the server wasn't properly reinstalled (e.g. for docker you would docker pull followed by recreating the container using the cli or compose, etc.), or the zip file wasn't properly deleted before reattempting to let shoko install it.

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t0815 commented Oct 26, 2024

im using windows installer. I did completely uninstall server, and deleted the AVDump folder and the in "Programdata/ShokoServer". What I didn't delete, where my settings and stuff in programdata. I even manually deleted shoko-server files in Programs, that where still in the folder.... hmmm.

Im running Shoko on Win 10 on a NAS with mySQL. A bin unorthodox, I know, but I had to use windows in the old day, when shoko wasn't available for linux. Now ill keep rolling with that setup 😀

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