VulnerableApp is a community project, and we are always delighted to welcome new contributors!
There are lots of ways you can contribute:
If you have a question or problem related to using VulnerableApp then the first thing to do is to raise an issue on the VulnerableApp repo: or send an email to [email protected]
If you have found a bug then raise an issue on the VulnerableApp repo:
If you have a suggestion for new functionality then you can raise an issue on the VulnerableApp repo:
Its worth checking to see if its already been requested, and including as much information as you can so that we can fully understand your requirements.
Fixing issues is very valuable (ones flagged as Good First issue are good ones to start on) and there are always many improvements we want to make.
For more understanding on VulnerableApp's internal framework please visit: Design Documentation
The Java code is formatted according to Google Java Style (AOSP variant). The build automatically checks
that the code conforms to the style (using [Spotless], which delegates to [google-java-format]), it can
also be used to format the code (with the Gradle task spotlessApply
) if the IDE/editor in use
does not support it.
- How much time (maximum) until the first feedback? 1 week.
- And following iterations? 1 week.
- This is a guideline we should normally be able to hit. If it's been more than a week and you haven't heard then please feel free to add a comment to your PR.