Unreal Engine 4 intuitive, open source and blueprint-friendly noise generation library coded on C++. It uses Auburns's FastNoise library.
I've released a free plugin on the UE4 marketplace called Fast Noise Generator (FNG), check it out!!!
The most important part when compiling the wrapper into your UE4 project is replacing PROJECT_API on FastNoiseWrapper.h with your project's one.
The wrapper offers blueprint nodes for complete usage. The first step would be to create a variable of FastNoiseWrapper type, then setup it and finally getting a 2D/3D value of noise. Blueprint nodes can be seen below:
First you have to create a pointer to a UFastNoiseWrapper object, then setup it and finally getting a 2D/3D value of noise using the provided functions. Example code is provided below:
UFastNoiseWrapper* fastNoiseWrapper = nullptr;
float noise2D = 0.0f;
float noise3D = 0.0f;
fastNoiseWrapper = CreateDefaultSubobject<UFastNoiseWrapper>(TEXT("FastNoiseWrapper"));
NoiseType, Seed, Frequency, Interpolation,
FractalType, FractalOctaves, FractalLacunarity, FractalGain,
CellularJitter, CellularDistanceFunction, CellularReturnType);
noise2D = fastNoiseWrapper->GetNoise2D(x, y);
noise3D = fastNoiseWrapper->GetNoise2D(x, y, z);