title | description | published | date | tags |
Data privacy and security |
Sophie - the Facebook opposite |
1 |
2019-11-06 16:55:18 UTC |
Sophie respects your privacy, every part of Sophie is open-source. Sophie's team constantly improve privacy and security.
We don't collect your private data. We don't save your messages or any info about your messages. {.is-info}
- User name, user ID, nickname
- Telegram language
- First detected timestamp
- Chat name, username, and chat ID
- We caching chat admins (1 hour after the last command)
We are not logging messages count, messages text or authors!
- Speed of long queries
- Counting of data types in all chats
- % of using features in chats
- Number of new chats in 48 hours
Crashlytics significantly helping Sophie be stable. We trying log as fewer data as possible, we can log only:
- Crash traceback
- Raw update data which caused crash
Raw update example:
{"message_id":172915,"from":{"id":483808054,"is_bot":false,"first_name":"Yacha","username":"MrYacha","language_code":"en"},"chat":{"id":-1001414865722,"title":"[paperplane] \/\/ your spam is your deathwish\/\/","type":"supergroup"},"date":1572372681,"text":"\/crash","entities":[{"offset":0,"length":6,"type":"bot_command"}]}