This tool is made with the intention of helping with solving Reverse Engineering challenges during CTFs (Capture the Flag) contest.
< This repository is still a Work in Progress >
- Clone the repository to your system
git clone ~/RE-helper
- Go to the folder containing the Setup
cd ~/RE-helper
- Run
to setup the tool environment and build the tool.- Initially to setup the tool enviroment run
./ -t
. This would give you the tool build at out/ - If you have made some modifications to the source and want to
the tool you can use./ -m
- If you want to
the tool with the existing test programs to see the result -./ -t <testno>
- To clean all the built executables and files you can run
./ -c
- Initially to setup the tool enviroment run
- After you have setup the tool, you can run it on an executable of your choice using
./pin/pin -t out/ -o out.log -- <path/to/executable>
- Start racking up points on the scoreboard
- This repository is still under active development and the commands are subject to change.
- The tool is written with amd64 architecture kept in mind.
A lot of work is left to be done :
- Improve Tainting
- Imporve Syscall logging (Add functions, arguments etc)
This repository is maintaned by
Siddharth Muralee(@R3x)
- Twitter : @Tr3x__
Ayushi Sharma(@Ayushi)
- Twitter : @Ais2397Ayushi
Aditya Vardhan Padala(@silverf3lix)
- Twitter : @silverf3lix