C++20 logging facility and slack messenger; Header-only library for logging.
User can either retrieve a singleton instance which logs to stdout
or construct a new instance of logger backed by arbitrary std::ostream
object(s) (files, sockets, etc...).
Output lines are prefixed with ISO timestamps and suffixed
I/O is done in an asynchronous coroutine with a lock-free queue.
The global singleton instance is constructed with stdin
and stderr
propagated to all others statically linked copies of class under same PID (to
include dlopen'd .so libs) via mmapped POSIX shmem segment.
Logger(outStream, errStream)
: constructor outStream and errStream defaults tostdin
: different output levels with indicative formatting -
: use one stream for all IO -
: withlevel
being one ofVerbosity::{QUIET, ERR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE}
static Logger::get()
: retrieve global default-constructred singleton
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <filesystem>
#include <future>
#include "logutil.h"
int main(int /*argc*/, char *argv[]) {
auto &logger = Logger::get(); // default logger
auto hd_logger = [&] {
auto hd_logfile_path = (std::filesystem::temp_directory_path() / argv[0])
auto hd_logfile =
open(hd_logfile_path.c_str(), O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_APPEND,
auto hd_logger = Logger{hd_logfile, hd_logfile};
INFO("HD logfile fd={} at {}", hd_logfile, hd_logfile_path.native());
return hd_logger;
auto const my_fn = [&] { // by-ref capture for 'logger'
const int64_t i64 = ::rand() % 1000;
// global logger
DEBUG("random int squared: {}", i64 * i64);
// will not be output to stderr, since default logger's verbosity is DEBUG
TRACE("random int: {}", i64);
// but this will into its respective .txt stream
hd_logger.Trace("[TRACE] random integer: {}", i64);
return i64 % 2;
WARN("scheduling the lambda...");
if ((std::async(my_fn).get() & 0b1LU) == 0) ERROR("what a flop.");
INFO("It wasn't really that bad after all");