diff --git a/src/watershed.jl b/src/watershed.jl index 80be101..280f8e9 100644 --- a/src/watershed.jl +++ b/src/watershed.jl @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ isless(a::PixelKey{T}, b::PixelKey{T}) where {T} = (a.val < b.val) || (a.val == segments = watershed(img, markers) ``` Segments the image using watershed transform. Each basin formed by watershed transform corresponds to a segment. -If you are using image local minimas as markers, consider using hmin_transform to avoid oversegmentation. +If you are using image local minimas as markers, consider using [`hmin_transform`](@ref) to avoid oversegmentation. Parameters: - img = input grayscale image