Hello SSC team, Lumenous and I tested the SSC swapper and found/suggest the following things:
- Swapper is showing "view explorer" and opens Kovan testnet while transactions were on Rinkeby testnet. When you open the explorer from metamask you will be redirected to Rinkeby and you see your transaction.
Screenshot swapper transaction
Screenshot Kovan explorer
- The transaction link returns no transaction on etherscan
When you swap on Kovan testnet and click on "view explorer" it will not point you to the actual transaction but to the "Txnhash not found" on the Ropsten testnet explorer.
- In console this appeared when clicking on view transaction
Fired outbound link event kovan.etherscan.io/tx/***
- event 'close' is deprecated use 'disconnect'
- event 'networkChanged' is deprecated use 'chainChanged'
- 'ethereum.send() is deprecated use 'ethereum.sendAsync()'
Add the feature to copy your wallet adress in the right top. It already looks like you can click on it to copy it but it doesn't work. We didn't think it is a bug but probably a feauture what isn't added yet.
Add a feature what shows which network is active while you are using the swapper. Probably it would look nice next to the button where you can copy your adress Screenshot adress copy.
Overall the swapper looks very smooth, the transcations are executing fast. We only found a few minor bugs and listed them above.