gLabels for Windows can be built using one of the following toolchains:
- Visual Studio (these instructions are for Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64)
- CMake 3.2+
- Qt5 5.9+ for your version of Visual Studio
- NSIS 3.03+ (optional -- for creating an installer)
Make sure that CMake and the Qt tools are in your executable search path. For example, you may need to add something like the following to your PATH environment variable:
c:\Program Files\CMake\bin
The exact paths will depend on the version of Qt and CMake you have installed.
From a Windows Power Shell, use CMake to create and build a Visual Studio Solution:
> cd glabels_source_directory > mkdir build > cd build > cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="c:\qt\5.9.3\msvc2017_64" .. > cmake --build . --config Release
To install, run a Windows Power Shell as administrator
, and type the following commands:
> cd glabels_source_directory/build > cmake --build . --config Release --target INSTALL
To create a Windows installer, run the following commands:
> cd glabels_source_directory/build > cpack -C Release -G NSIS
- MSYS/MINGW, including the following packages
- mingw32-gcc-g++
- mingw32-libz
- CMake 3.2+
- Qt5 5.9+ for MINGW
Make sure that Qt tools and CMake are in your executable search path. For example, add something like this to your .profile file:
export PATH=/c/Qt/5.9.3/mingw53_32/bin:${PATH}
export PATH="/c/Program Files/CMake/bin":${PATH}
The exact paths will depend on the version of Qt and CMake you have installed.
From an MSYS shell, type the following commands:
$ cd glabels_source_directory $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake -G "MSYS Makefiles" .. $ make
To install glabels, run an MSYS shell as administrator
, and type the following commands:
$ cd glabels_source_directory/build $ make install