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30 lines (22 loc) · 1.28 KB

File metadata and controls

30 lines (22 loc) · 1.28 KB


This file is auto-generated when the app is setup. The following template is used.

use Mix.Config

config {{app_name}}, {{ app_endpoint }},
  secret_key_base: "{{ secret_key_base }}"

config {{ app_name }}, {{ app_repo_module }},
  adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres,
  username: "{{ database_user }}",
  password: "{{ database_password }}",
  database: "{{ database_name }}",
  size: 20

You can over-ride this default template by placing your own template as playbooks/templates/prod.secret.exs.j2 in your project. This file uses Jinga2 templating engine that Ansible uses. You can quickly identify that variables are surrounded with {{ and }}. That all you need to know to work with this file.

The following variables are made available (calculated approximately):

  • app_name - This is the OTP app name that you set in playbooks/vars/main.yml
  • app_endpoint_module - The endpoint module to serve
  • secret_key_base - A secret key base is generated on the server
  • app_repo_module - The repo module the app uses
  • database_user - Database user (same as the deployer variable)
  • database_password - auto-generated and stored on the server
  • database_name - calculated based on the mix_env. Format is <app_name>_<mix_env>