The following public APIs are provided by HISPlayerTypes.
enum class HISPlayerStatus: The different status in which the stream can be settled:
- CLOSE: The stream is closed.
- STOP: The content is stopped.
- PLAY: The content is playing.
- PAUSE: The content is paused.
enum class HISPlayerLogLevel: The different log levels. The log levels are accumulative, meaning that, when a higher log level is choosen, the logs of lower levels will also be displayed. For example: If Error level is choosen, only Error logs will be displayed. If Debug level is choosen; Debug, Info, Warning and Error messages will be displayed:
- DEBUG: Logs messages useful for debugging and troubleshooting purposes, typically only visible during development.
- INFO: Provides general informational messages about the application's execution.
- WARNING: Indicates potential issues or situations that may require attention.
- ERROR: Indicates critical errors that may prevent the application from functioning correctly.
- NONE : No log messages will appear.
struct FHISPlayerPlaybackProperties: Use these properties to change the playback’s behavior from the editor.
- bool bAutoplay: The content will automatically play after buffering is complete.
- bool bLooping: The content will automatically loop after it ends.
- bool bMute: The content audio will be muted.
public class UDelegateManager: Use this delegate to receive the different HISPlayer events.
- OnLoading: The content starts loading.
- Param1: Stream's index.
- OnPlay: The content starts playing.
- Param1: Stream's index.
- OnPause: The content pauses.
- Param1: Stream's index.
- OnStop: The content stops.
- Param1: Stream's index.
- OnEndContent: The content ends.
- Param1: Stream's index.
- OnTrackChanged: The track of the stream has changed.
- Param1: Stream's index.
- OnInitComplete: The stream has finished loading process, and its ready to start playing. (SDK v2.3.0 and above)
- Param1: Stream's index.
- OnSeekComplete: The stream has finished loading process, and its ready to start playing. (SDK v2.3.0 and above)
- Param1: Stream's index.
- OnLoading: The content starts loading.
- public struct HISPlayerTrack (SDK v2.3.0 and above):
- string id: Id of the track.
- int bitrate: Bitrate of the track in bits per second.
- int width: Width of the track.
- int framerate: Framerate of the track in frames per second.
Use the following UFunctions in your blueprint or script to make your custom HISPlayer implementation.
Pre-initialize HISPlayer. You must call this function on BeginPlay before the SetUp.
- Param1: The number of streams to instantiate.
Initialize HISPlayer. It creates a texture in runtime internally.
- Param1: Stream index.
- Param2: Result texture reference.
Start HISPlayer. A valid URL must be passed as parameter.
- Param1: Stream index.
- Return: 0 on success.
Update each frame, needs to be called every frame.
- Param1: Stream index.
Update each frame, needs to be called every frame.
- Param1: Stream index.
Pause the video.
- Param1: Stream index.
Stop the video and, next time it's played, it will begin from start.
- Param1: Stream index.
Seeks the video to a certain position
- Param1: Stream index.
- Param2: Position to seek in miliseconds.
Set Playback volume.
- Param1: Stream index.
- Param2: Must be included in the range [0.0f, 1.0f].
Mute the current audio.
- Param1: Stream index.
- Param2: True for mute, False for unmute.
Returns the current time position of the current track.
- Param1: Stream index.
- Return: Returns the current time position of the current track in miliseconds.
Returns the total time of the current track.
- Param1: Stream index.
- Return: Returns the current time position of the current track in miliseconds.
Must be called for closing and releasing HISPlayer.
- Param1: Stream index.
static void CreateNewTexture(int streamIndex, FIntPoint resolution, UTexture2D*& outputTexture) // HISPlayer Create New Texture
Create a new texture of a new resolution for a particular stream.
- Param1: Stream index.
- Param2: FIntPoint for resolution. X value for Width, Y value for Height.
- Param3: Result texture reference.
static void SetPlaybackProperties(int streamIndex, const FHISPlayerPlaybackProperties& Properties) // HISPlayer Set PlayBack Properties
Set the current playback properties of the stream. (SDK v2.3.0 and above)
- Param1: Stream index.
- Param2: PlayerPlaybackProperties type.
Get the height of the current track of a certain stream. (SDK v2.3.0 and above)
- Param1: Stream index.
- Return: Video height.
Get the width of the current track of a certain stream. (SDK v2.3.0 and above)
- Param1: Stream index.
- Return: Video width.
Get the number of tracks of a certain stream. (SDK v2.3.0 and above)
- Param1: Stream index.
Provides information about all the tracks of a certain stream. (SDK v2.3.0 and above)
- Param1: Stream index.
- Param2: Track index.
- Return: TArray of HISPlayerTracks.
Get the number of tracks of a certain stream. (SDK v2.3.0 and above)
- Param1: Stream index.
- Param2: Track index.
- Return: Bitrate of the track.
static int GetTrackFramerate(int streamIndex, int trackIndex) // HISPlayer HISPlayer Get Track Framerate
Get the width of a certain track of a certain stream. (SDK v2.3.0 and above)
- Param1: Stream index.
- Param2: Track index.
- Return: Framerate of the track.
Get the width in pixels of a certain track of a certain stream. (SDK v2.3.0 and above)
- Param1: Stream index.
- Param2: Track index.
- Return: Width in pixels of the track.
Get the width of a certain track of a certain stream. (SDK v2.3.0 and above)
- Param1: Stream index.
- Param2: Track index.
- Return: Height in pixels of the track.
Get the ID of a certain track of a certain stream. (SDK v2.3.0 and above)
- Param1: Stream index.
- Param2: Track index.
- Return: FString of the ID.
Select a certain track of a certain stream to be used as the main track. The available tracks can be obtained from the tracks returned from the method GetTracks. (SDK v2.3.0 and above)
- Param1: Stream index.
- Param2: Track index.