--download link: https://git-scm.com/downloads --instalation guide: https://www.stanleyulili.com/git/how-to-install-git-bash-on-windows/
--download link: https://nodejs.org/en/download/
To generate SSH key you have to open a git bash terminal, to do that you have to right-click on desktop and select Git bash here
- Insert this command in the terminal
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "[email protected]"
and replace it with your email, but it has to be the one connected with your GitHub account (if you don't have a GitHub account, go and make one here https://github.com/signup?ref_cta=Sign+up&ref_loc=header+logged+out&ref_page=%2F&source=header-home) - skip the next steps by pressing enter, this way it will go with the default options
- the new .pub file it will generate on default location in /c/Users/user/.ssh/id_ed25519 <-
- this is what we are looking for. Now we have to change location of the terminal by doing the following command: cd /c/Users/user/.ssh/, note that your location might be different, it will contain your user name. You can typels
to verify if you are in the correct location, if you seeid_ed25519.pub
, then you are all good. - after you find the file, use this command
cat id_ed25519.pub
it will show your ssh-key which is a long string (here is an example of ssh https://imgur.com/a/QtOw1wu) - now that we have the ssh-key, we have to go to Github to insert it into the account (here is how-to https://imgur.com/a/OdFAYbs)
1. Create a new folder for this project
2. In the newly created folder you have to open a terminal here
3. paste this command: git clone [email protected]:Enghin84/hardhat-tutorial.git, this line of code will clone the repo on your local machine
4. type in terminal cd hardhat-tutorial to move the terminal in the cloned repo folder
1. type `npm install` to install the depedencies
In the repo we have config.sample.ts, this is a mock version, here you have to rename it in config.ts and inside you have to paste your data.
Go to https://infura.io/ and make an account there Create a new project Copy the Rinkeby ID (Steps here https://imgur.com/a/xkUYdMp)
Install Metamask wallet, it's an extension for Chrome (tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Af_lQ1zUnoM&ab_channel=MoneyZG) Copy wallet address (here is how https://imgur.com/a/LEz7S3y) https://faucet.rinkeby.io/ here you can get eth for Rinkeby, you will find instructions there.
Go to https://etherscan.io/ and make an account there to get the API key (here how https://imgur.com/a/SJV34ng)
Now that we are all set, it's time to run the commands to progress further. In the terminal insert the next commands
We will use Hardhat to work with smart contracts. Type npx hardhat
in the terminal to see the list of commands and what they do.
3. After this we run
this command npx hardhat run --network rinkeby scripts/deploy.ts
. This command will deply the contract on the Rinkeby TestNet. When it will finish the deployment process(it might take a while), it will show here in the terminal the contract address, make sure you keep it safe, it will help us further, when we will intercat with the contract.
Now we have deployed the contract, but we still need to verify it after with this command
`npx hardhat verify --network rinkeby [contract address] [token address which in our case is 0x01f7feeb77ae5e04d9606c209a7faff2187cd5c1]`
Now it's time to interact with the smart contract that we have just deployed (img snippets here https://imgur.com/a/mwLYF2r)
For allowance, go to the EQZ contract page https://rinkeby.etherscan.io/address/0x01F7FeEB77aE5e04d9606C209a7faFf2187Cd5c1
this is the token that we deployed the contract with, 0x01f7feeb77ae5e04d9606c209a7faff2187cd5c1
2.1. Owner (address) -> your wallet public address
2.2. Spender (address) -> your contract address
4.1. Spender (address) -> your contract address
4.2. Amount (uint256) -> The max value you let the contract to spend from your assets, insert the value and then add the digits( hit the +) and select 10^18
Now for deposit, go to your contract on Rinkeby testnet -> Write Contract
-> connect wallet -> deposit -> insert the value and then add the digits( hit the +) and select 10^18