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Maintenance: dependency/package management

Package management, also known as dependency management, involves updating packages and dependencies within a project. Tools like npm (Node Package Manager) facilitate updating packages to their latest versions.

Useful commands:

We can run the following command to check for outdated packages in our project:

npm outdated

Wanted version of a package

The wanted column in the npm outdated command refers to the maximum version of a package that satisfies the semver range specified in your package.json. Here's what it means:

  • If a semver range is defined in your package.json, the wanted version represents the latest version within that range.
  • If there's no semver range (e.g., when running npm outdated --global or if the package isn't included in package.json), the wanted version shows the currently-installed version.

In summary, wanted indicates the version you should update to based on your package constraints. If you prefer the latest version, consider updating to the one shown in the latest column.

What's semver?

Semver (short for Semantic Versioning) is a versioning system used in the Node.js ecosystem, particularly by npm (Node Package Manager). It provides a consistent way to manage package dependencies. Here are the key points about semver:

  1. Version Format:

    • Semver follows the format MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.
    • MAJOR: Indicates breaking changes.
    • MINOR: Introduces new features without breaking existing functionality.
    • PATCH: Fixes issues or provides backward-compatible updates.
  2. Usage in npm:

    • All packages published to npm are assumed to follow semver semantics.
    • Package authors use semver to define dependency versions bundled with their packages.
  3. Example:

    • Suppose a package has version 1.2.3.
      • Incrementing the MAJOR version (e.g., 2.0.0) implies breaking changes.
      • Incrementing the MINOR version (e.g., 1.3.0) adds features without breaking compatibility.
      • Incrementing the PATCH version (e.g., 1.2.4) includes backward-compatible fixes.

semver helps maintain compatibility and ensures smooth package updates.

Install the latest minor version of npm package

To install only the wanted versions of each npm package run the following command:

chore: Update dependencies to latest semver range

npm update --save

Or we can run npm install with specific requirements.

To install the latest minor version:

npm install package-name@"^2.x.x"

To install a package right before the latest major update run the following command:

npm install package-name@"<next-major.0.0"

For example:

npm install package-name@"<3.0.0" 

Would install the latest right before 3.0.0 (e.g. 2.11.1)


npm-check-updates package

npm-check-updates upgrades your package.json dependencies to the latest versions, ignoring specified versions.

Install globally:np

npm install -g npm-check-updates


  • ncu command in the terminal

Check the latest versions of all project dependencies:

$ ncu
Checking package.json
[====================] 5/5 100%

 eslint             7.32.0  →    8.0.0
 prettier           ^2.7.1  →   ^3.0.0
 svelte            ^3.48.0  →  ^3.51.0
 typescript         >3.0.0  →   >4.0.0
 untildify          <4.0.0  →   ^4.0.0
 webpack               4.x  →      5.x

Run ncu -u to upgrade package.json

Update a projects package file:

Make sure your package file is in version control and all changes have been committed. This will overwrite your package file.

$ ncu -u
Upgrading package.json
[====================] 1/1 100%

 express           4.12.x  →   4.13.x

Run npm install to install new versions.

$ npm install      # update installed packages and package-lock.json

Check global packages:

ncu -g

Dependency log


npm outdated
Package                    Current    Wanted    Latest  Location                                Depended by
@clerk/nextjs                5.1.5     5.2.4     5.2.4  node_modules/@clerk/nextjs              visionize
@prisma/client              5.15.0    5.17.0    5.17.0  node_modules/@prisma/client             visionize
@radix-ui/react-accordion    1.1.2     1.2.0     1.2.0  node_modules/@radix-ui/react-accordion  visionize
@radix-ui/react-avatar       1.0.4     1.1.0     1.1.0  node_modules/@radix-ui/react-avatar     visionize
@radix-ui/react-dialog       1.0.5     1.1.1     1.1.1  node_modules/@radix-ui/react-dialog     visionize
@radix-ui/react-label        2.0.2     2.1.0     2.1.0  node_modules/@radix-ui/react-label      visionize
@radix-ui/react-popover      1.0.7     1.1.1     1.1.1  node_modules/@radix-ui/react-popover    visionize
@radix-ui/react-separator    1.0.3     1.1.0     1.1.0  node_modules/@radix-ui/react-separator  visionize
@radix-ui/react-slot         1.0.2     1.1.0     1.1.0  node_modules/@radix-ui/react-slot       visionize
@radix-ui/react-tooltip      1.0.7     1.1.2     1.1.2  node_modules/@radix-ui/react-tooltip    visionize
@tanstack/react-query       5.45.0   5.51.11   5.51.11  node_modules/@tanstack/react-query      visionize
@types/node                20.14.2  20.14.11  20.14.11  node_modules/@types/node                visionize
eslint                      8.57.0    8.57.0     9.7.0  node_modules/eslint                     visionize
eslint-config-next          14.2.4    14.2.5    14.2.5  node_modules/eslint-config-next         visionize
lucide-react               0.395.0   0.395.0   0.412.0  node_modules/lucide-react               visionize
next                        14.2.4    14.2.5    14.2.5  node_modules/next                       visionize
postcss                     8.4.38    8.4.39    8.4.39  node_modules/postcss                    visionize
prisma                      5.15.0    5.17.0    5.17.0  node_modules/prisma                     visionize
stripe                     15.12.0   15.12.0    16.2.0  node_modules/stripe                     visionize
tailwind-merge               2.3.0     2.4.0     2.4.0  node_modules/tailwind-merge             visionize
tailwindcss                  3.4.4     3.4.6     3.4.6  node_modules/tailwindcss                visionize
typescript                   5.4.5     5.5.3     5.5.3  node_modules/typescript                 visionize
zustand                      4.5.2     4.5.4     4.5.4  node_modules/zustand                    visionize

chore: Update Next.js to v14.2.5

npm i next@latest

chore: Update @clerk/nextjs to v5.2.4

npm i @clerk/nextjs@latest

chore: Update prisma & @prisma/client to (v5.17.0)

npm i prisma@latest @prisma/client@latest

chore: Update dependencies to latest semver range

npm update --save
npm outdated

Package       Current   Wanted   Latest  Location                   Depended by
eslint         8.57.0   8.57.0    9.7.0  node_modules/eslint        visionize
lucide-react  0.395.0  0.395.0  0.414.0  node_modules/lucide-react  visionize
stripe        15.12.0  15.12.0   16.2.0  node_modules/stripe        visionize


npm outdated                                                                                            
Package                Current   Wanted   Latest  Location                            Depended by
@clerk/nextjs            5.1.4    5.1.5    5.1.5  node_modules/@clerk/nextjs          visionize
@tanstack/react-query   5.44.0   5.45.0   5.45.0  node_modules/@tanstack/react-query  visionize
eslint                  8.57.0   8.57.0    9.5.0  node_modules/eslint                 visionize
eslint-config-next      14.2.3   14.2.4   14.2.4  node_modules/eslint-config-next     visionize
lucide-react           0.394.0  0.394.0  0.395.0  node_modules/lucide-react           visionize

chore: Update @clerk/nextjs to v5.1.5

npm i @clerk/nextjs@latest

chore: Update dependencies to latest semver range

npm update --save


npm outdated                                                                                        
Package                Current   Wanted   Latest  Location                            Depended by
@tanstack/react-query   5.40.1   5.44.0   5.44.0  node_modules/@tanstack/react-query  visionize
eslint                  8.57.0   8.57.0    9.4.0  node_modules/eslint                 visionize
eslint-config-next      14.2.3   14.2.4   14.2.4  node_modules/eslint-config-next     visionize
lucide-react           0.390.0  0.390.0  0.394.0  node_modules/lucide-react           visionize
next                    14.2.3   14.2.4   14.2.4  node_modules/next                   visionize

chore: Update Next.js to v14.2.4

npm i next@latest

chore: Update @tanstack/react-query to v5.44.0

npm i @tanstack/react-query@latest

chore: Update lucide-react to v0.394.0

npm i lucide-react@latest


npm outdated                                                                                            
Package                 Current   Wanted   Latest  Location                            Depended by
@clerk/nextjs            4.31.0   4.31.3    5.1.4  node_modules/@clerk/nextjs          visionize
@tanstack/react-query    5.39.0   5.40.1   5.40.1  node_modules/@tanstack/react-query  visionize
@types/node            20.12.12  20.14.2  20.14.2  node_modules/@types/node            visionize
eslint                   8.57.0   8.57.0    9.4.0  node_modules/eslint                 visionize
eslint-config-next       14.0.4   14.0.4   14.2.3  node_modules/eslint-config-next     visionize
sonner                   1.4.41    1.5.0    1.5.0  node_modules/sonner                 visionize

chore: Update sonner to v1.5.0

npm i sonner@latest

chore: Update @tanstack/react-query & @types/node

npm i @tanstack/react-query@latest @types/node@latest

chore: Update @clerk/nextjs to v5.1.4

npm i @clerk/nextjs@latest

chore: Update eslint dev dependencies

Package  Current  Wanted  Latest  Location             Depended by
eslint    8.57.0  8.57.0   9.4.0  node_modules/eslint  visionize


npm outdated
Package                 Current   Wanted   Latest  Location                            Depended by
@clerk/nextjs            4.31.0   4.31.3    5.1.4  node_modules/@clerk/nextjs          visionize
@tanstack/react-query    5.39.0   5.40.1   5.40.1  node_modules/@tanstack/react-query  visionize
@types/node            20.12.12  20.14.2  20.14.2  node_modules/@types/node            visionize
eslint                   8.57.0   8.57.0    9.4.0  node_modules/eslint                 visionize
eslint-config-next       14.0.4   14.0.4   14.2.3  node_modules/eslint-config-next     visionize
lucide-react            0.307.0  0.307.0  0.390.0  node_modules/lucide-react           visionize
next                     14.0.4   14.0.4   14.2.3  node_modules/next                   visionize
tailwindcss               3.4.3    3.4.4    3.4.4  node_modules/tailwindcss            visionize
usehooks-ts              2.16.0   2.16.0    3.1.0  node_modules/usehooks-ts            visionize

chore: Update Next.js to v14.2.3

npm i next@latest

chore: Update dev dependencies to latest versions

Updates the following packages:

  • lucide-react (v0.390.0)
  • tailwindcss (v3.4.4)
  • usehooks-ts (v3.1.0)

TailwindCSS helps with styling, lucide-react provides icons, and use-hooks offers reusable hooks for React development.

npm i tailwindcss@latest lucide-react@latest usehooks-ts@latest

Log after updates:

Package                 Current   Wanted   Latest  Location                            Depended by
@clerk/nextjs            4.31.0   4.31.3    5.1.4  node_modules/@clerk/nextjs          visionize
@tanstack/react-query    5.39.0   5.40.1   5.40.1  node_modules/@tanstack/react-query  visionize
@types/node            20.12.12  20.14.2  20.14.2  node_modules/@types/node            visionize
eslint                   8.57.0   8.57.0    9.4.0  node_modules/eslint                 visionize
eslint-config-next       14.0.4   14.0.4   14.2.3  node_modules/eslint-config-next     visionize


(May 25, 2024)

npm outdated                                                                                                    

Package                Current   Wanted   Latest  Location                            Depended by
@clerk/nextjs           4.31.0   4.31.0    5.1.2  node_modules/@clerk/nextjs          visionize
@tanstack/react-query   5.37.1   5.39.0   5.39.0  node_modules/@tanstack/react-query  visionize
@types/react            18.3.2   18.3.3   18.3.3  node_modules/@types/react           visionize
eslint                  8.57.0   8.57.0    9.3.0  node_modules/eslint                 visionize
eslint-config-next      14.0.4   14.0.4   14.2.3  node_modules/eslint-config-next     visionize
lucide-react           0.307.0  0.307.0  0.379.0  node_modules/lucide-react           visionize
next                    14.0.4   14.0.4   14.2.3  node_modules/next                   visionize
usehooks-ts             2.16.0   2.16.0    3.1.0  node_modules/usehooks-ts            visionize

chore: Update @tanstack/react-query & @types/react

npm update --save

Package             Current   Wanted   Latest  Location                         Depended by
@clerk/nextjs        4.31.0   4.31.0    5.1.2  node_modules/@clerk/nextjs       visionize
eslint               8.57.0   8.57.0    9.3.0  node_modules/eslint              visionize
eslint-config-next   14.0.4   14.0.4   14.2.3  node_modules/eslint-config-next  visionize
lucide-react        0.307.0  0.307.0  0.379.0  node_modules/lucide-react        visionize
next                 14.0.4   14.0.4   14.2.3  node_modules/next                visionize
usehooks-ts          2.16.0   2.16.0    3.1.0  node_modules/usehooks-ts         visionize


(May 20, 2024)

npm outdated

Package                Current    Wanted    Latest  Location                            Depended by
@clerk/nextjs           4.29.3    4.31.0     5.1.0  node_modules/@clerk/nextjs          visionize
@tanstack/react-query   5.32.0    5.37.1    5.37.1  node_modules/@tanstack/react-query  visionize
@types/node            20.10.7  20.12.12  20.12.12  node_modules/@types/node            visionize
@types/react           18.2.47    18.3.2    18.3.2  node_modules/@types/react           visionize
@types/react-dom       18.2.18    18.3.0    18.3.0  node_modules/@types/react-dom       visionize
autoprefixer           10.4.16   10.4.19   10.4.19  node_modules/autoprefixer           visionize
clsx                     2.1.0     2.1.1     2.1.1  node_modules/clsx                   visionize
eslint                  8.56.0    8.57.0     9.3.0  node_modules/eslint                 visionize
eslint-config-next      14.0.4    14.0.4    14.2.3  node_modules/eslint-config-next     visionize
lucide-react           0.307.0   0.307.0   0.379.0  node_modules/lucide-react           visionize
next                    14.0.4    14.0.4    14.2.3  node_modules/next                   visionize
postcss                 8.4.33    8.4.38    8.4.38  node_modules/postcss                visionize
react                   18.2.0    18.3.1    18.3.1  node_modules/react                  visionize
react-dom               18.2.0    18.3.1    18.3.1  node_modules/react-dom              visionize
sonner                   1.4.0    1.4.41    1.4.41  node_modules/sonner                 visionize
tailwind-merge           2.2.0     2.3.0     2.3.0  node_modules/tailwind-merge         visionize
tailwindcss              3.4.1     3.4.3     3.4.3  node_modules/tailwindcss            visionize
typescript               5.3.3     5.4.5     5.4.5  node_modules/typescript             visionize
usehooks-ts              2.9.5    2.16.0     3.1.0  node_modules/usehooks-ts            visionize
zod                     3.22.4    3.23.8    3.23.8  node_modules/zod                    visionize
zustand                  4.5.0     4.5.2     4.5.2  node_modules/zustand                visionize

chore: Update dependencies to latest semver range

npm update --save
npm outdated

Package             Current   Wanted   Latest  Location                         Depended by
@clerk/nextjs        4.31.0   4.31.0    5.1.0  node_modules/@clerk/nextjs       visionize
eslint               8.57.0   8.57.0    9.3.0  node_modules/eslint              visionize
eslint-config-next   14.0.4   14.0.4   14.2.3  node_modules/eslint-config-next  visionize
lucide-react        0.307.0  0.307.0  0.379.0  node_modules/lucide-react        visionize
next                 14.0.4   14.0.4   14.2.3  node_modules/next                visionize
usehooks-ts          2.16.0   2.16.0    3.1.0  node_modules/usehooks-ts         visionize