In this tutorial we will get to know the GUI, start a workflow and inspect its results.
For the hands-on session the relevant subpages are Inventory and WF Editor -> Workflow editor, which can be found via the navigation bar.
- Lists information about currently running, finished, or failed workflows.
- Shows all available workflows, by categories.
- Provides functionality to create and edit workflows, to add new services to the portal, and to delete services and workflows from the portal.
- Will be utilized in Levels 2 and 3.
- Select Inventory in the navigation bar, which will lead you to the following view:
- In the lower half of the page you can see a list of available workflows.
- When hovering with the pointer over a workflow, you can see additional information about it (logical URI, Category).
- In the list of available workflows, click on PLM web client to execute this workflow.
- Click on Run workflow to start the execution
- A new page will open showing the status of this workflow, while it is starting.
- When the workflow is loaded completely, you will see the interface of the PLM web client.
- Go back to the previous page, where the Inventory should still be visible.
- In the upper half of the page you can see the running PLM web client workflow.
- Hint: To abort a running workflow you could click the cross at the end of the workflow's entry.
- To finalize the PLM web client workflow, click on Done in its designated tab in the upper right corner, leading you to the Result page of this workflow.
- Close this tab and go back to the Inventory.
- Under My workflows, click at finished, were you can see the recently finished workflow.
- If you click on the Workflow's name you will be redirected to the result page, where you can inspect the results of your workflow again.
Congratulations, you have finished the first tutorial. You should now be able to start workflows and examine their status and result