This is an android project through which Students and University Stuff can interact with each others.
This will contain:
1-easy way to connect professors with their students.
2-interactive discussions about lectures.
3-all you need to know about the college (stuff names, contacts and achievements, fabulous and dynamic timetables and even campus map).
4-notification in case of canceling or postponing any lecture.
and many wonderful features.
MVP model view presenter with native dependency injection.
- RxJava2 and RxAndroid .
- SqlBrite as a wrapper to SqlHelper.
- Dependency injection using dagger2 .
- Retrofit2 and OkHttp .
- Picasso .
- ButterKnife .
- Gson.
the project is screen-based although it's not complete yet,but the allfearures are well decoupled ,reusable and's a good example to understand the android MVP architecture.