git pull - Issue this command prior to doing anything to your REPO.
This keeps it up to date with the remote repository.
git add . - Issue this command from the ROOT of your REPO prior to pushing.
This looks for any untracked files and adds them.
git commit -m "Msg" - Run this after the above command.
This will stage your changes into a ready to push message.
Type a helpful short message explaining what you changed.
git push - Assuming you set up the repos correctly.
This will push your changes LIVE to YOUR REPO.
git status - This will let you know of your current git status.
\n - new line
\t - tab
\ - escape character (use for ' " `)
/ - slash (use for seperating text)
# i18n: Remove Unused Strings (APKTool Warning Data as Input)
S: ^.+?'(.+?)'.+$
R: \1
S: \n
R: |
S: <string name="(string_name_1|string_name_n)".+?</string>
# i18n: Fix Formatting Issues
S: (?!.+formatted="false".+)(?=.+(%s|%d).+(%s|%d).+)<string name="(.+?)">
R: <string name="\3" formatted="false">
# i18n: RegEx
# arrays.xml
Remove arrays with "values" in their name
S: <string-array name=".*?value?s.*?">(?s).*?</string-array>
# strings.xml
<string name="[A-Za-z0-9].+?">(?!com\.|@)[^\x00]+?</string>
Removing Items
S: <item .*?>.*?</item>
Removing Empty Tags
S: <string .*?/>
S: <string(.*?name="[a-z].*?".*?)>(.*?)</string>
R: <string\1>\2</string>
S: (<string.*?name=".*?".*?>)(.*?)(</string>)\n.*?\1.*?\3
R: \1\2\3
# plurals.xml
S: (<plurals.*?name=".*?".*?>).*?(</plurals>).*?\1(.*?)\2
R: \1\3\2